Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Miss My Memory

The old me had an excellent memory. Excellent I tell you. Where is it? I want it back. Sadly, many people with PH have memory problems. It's because the condition stops oxygen from being in your blood (the heart pumps it to the lungs where they convert the air to oxygen and distribute it throughout your body.) You get so frustrated because you know what is happening but are powerless to stop it.

I have been on the Adcirca for 15 days now. It's too soon to know if it's working. I had a few really bad days recently and going to complete my cardiac rehab was really tough. I had to force myself. I finish tomorrow and I will be so glad to be through with it. It's a good thing to do to recondition your heart after surgery but when you are struggling with the PH it's rough. For some reason I have nights I cannot fall asleep. Other nights I sleep ten hours and wake feeling tired. I sleep with a cpap machine and oxygen. Right now I have dark circles under my eyes. I need to go to bed. More later.

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