Saturday, June 23, 2012

Moving Right Along

I found out that there were some cells in my fluid they removed that should not have been there. UGH. I have to have another CT scan on Monday. If there is more fluid now (or later) I need to have it removed and biopsied. Since I have a history of lymphoma this will have to be watched as the cells were inflammatory lymph cells. I am not going to sweat this. The lung doctor feels it could be as a result of all the trauma my body went through last year. Hard to believe that eleven months ago I was just home from the hospital after respiratory failure and waiting to have yet another heart surgery late July. I've come so far.

Most of my PH friends are at a convention in Florida. How I wish I could be there. Some of them had a hard time getting oxygen delivery squared away. I didn't have the money to go and honestly, I couldn't handle the stress at this time of the travel and worries about oxygen. I have been dealing nonstop with medical issues and bills here. I kid you not, practially every spare penny goes for medical expenses. We just got done refinancing our home to lower our mortgage payment. The difference will make our car payment. We have also reduced our bundle package services to save $70 per month. Every bit helps.


  1. Every little bit helps, indeed. I can not imagine traveling with health issues. But I know how you must long to be with your friends. Perhaps you can have one of them send you some of the literature from the conference. You have come so far. What's another test, right. I jest, but you have to find the humor where you can. Good luck on Monday. You will be in my prayers. My appointment in later in week. Take care.

  2. I sure wish you could have made it to conference! I would love to meet you! Save your pennies for 2014, the conference is in Indianapolis. I'm going to try my best to make that one, too!!

    1. Colleen I sure hope to make it. We'll see. It's hard to plan in advance for me as I have so many issues going on but I would LOVE to meet you. My sister is in Albany. How far is that from you?
