Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Another Adjustment

I am having very serious stomach problems. It's the adcirca. No matter what I eat I have the worst heartburn imaginable. Nothing tastes right either. I find I can't go to sleep at night unless my head is elevated on three pillows to keep the acid from coming up. I wear a Cpap mask and you can't if you might throw up. Last night I had about three hours of sleep. My right foot is still swollen and has been for several days. Today I tried so hard not to eat anything that might have acid in it. I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist March 9th. I hope I make it until then. I can take over the counter Prilosec or Rolaids but it's not enough to really help. It also lowers my blood thinner forcing me to have more tests and up the dosage.

I think I might be breathing a little easier. I am hoping after another month or so to be in better shape than I am now. Won't know if the adcirca works until they do another heart catherization which I think will be a few months from now. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying for a good outcome.

1 comment:

  1. I have heartburn everynight, so I can imagine your discomfort, though our situations are entirely different. I take Pepcid. I hope you get some relief, some improvement soon. That leg/foot of yours being so swollen has me worried. PRAYING for you Nelle. Take care.
